Congratulations on joining one of the finest Corvette enthusiasts' clubs in Florida. Sun 'n Fun Vettes has a long and notable record of supporting local, regional, and national Corvette events and activities.
Sun 'n Fun Vettes, Inc. was founded in February 1992 by a group of Corvette enthusiasts who enjoyed driving their Corvettes and wanted to establish a base for local Corvette activity. The stated purpose of Sun 'n Fun Vettes is to promote the enjoyment and preservation of the Chevrolet Corvette. Our goal is to meet new people, make new friends and just have FUN together while sharing the interest of the Corvette. Sun 'n Fun Vettes is incorporated in the State of Florida as a non-profit organization.
We're a very active club and encourage members to drive their cars to our events. Corvettes were built to be driven, not stored, and contrary to some opinions, they are quire durable and will survive normal driving and in most cases, will survive competition.
Some of the fun things we do as a club are Cruises to interesting and fun places, lunch and dinner cruises, Corvette shows, National Corvette Museum (NCM) events, rallies, holiday parties, picnics, high school homecomings and much more. For a perspective, just think "Cruise-have fun-eat".
The club has been very charitable throughout the years in donating to and holding various events for our charities. To learn about our current charities, see the ABOUT OUR CLUB section of this website.
Your application form should have included your email address and cell phone number (for cruising purposes). If these items were missing, please provide them to our Vice-President at the next culb meeting.
You can download and print a current roster of club members with their phone number and email addresses in the MEMBERS ONLY section of this website. We do not share this personal information with non-members so you'll be assigned a password which will enable you to enter that section of the website. The roster is considered "Sun 'n Fun confidential", so please protect it as such.
Membership renewal dues are payable in January each year for the coming year.
Our club meetings are held on the third Monday of each month (except December) and begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. Our current meeting place is:
16414 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., Tampa, FL
(813) 969-2600
(1/2 mile north of Gaither High School)
The main purpose of our monthly club meeting is to plan and coordinate events. We also have a 50/50 drawing each meeting. The winner will get 50% of the proceeds.
We have rules we try to adhere to when we cruise. Please read and heed these rules.
1. We schedule a meeting place, a meeting time, and a departure time. The meeting time gives us an opportunity to meet, greet and mingle., and . . . conduct a drivers' meeting before we head out. The departure time means - WE LEAVE AT THAT TIME.
2. Stay close together. If we leave big gaps between cars, we'll get separated. A bunch of Corvettes in a line is a beautiful thing to behold. Help us stay bunched together. Don't race. Don't poke. Stay tight. It's easy to get separated at stop signs or red lights. If possible, double up in two lanes at those places so there will be a greater chance of everyone getting through. If we get separated, the leader will slow the lead group down until others catch up. We want it to be fun - not frustrating.
3. We try to provide walkie talkes for the front and tail (and possible middle) cars so we can communicate and lessen the chance of getting separated from anyone. If you have FRS (Family Radio Service) walkie talkies, please bring them.
4. At the driver's meeting before we depart, instructions of where we're going will be communicated. Be sure you attend the driver's meeting so you'll know where we're going and have a good idea of how to get there.
5. If you have a problem, notify someone and pull over to the side. We'll get help to you.
6. Obey all traffic laws and be safe. We're not hot rodders !!
The Sun 'n Fun Vettes Website:
To get the latest news and events information, find pictures and information about our members and our Vettes and events we been to, visit the website at:
Have pictures of yourself and your Vette(s) on the website:
Be proud of your Vette(s) and of being a member of the Sun 'n Fun Vettes. You can email jpg images of yourself and Vette to the webmaster or take pictures to the club meeting. The webmaster can scan them into the computer system and return the pictures (undamaged) to you. We need pictures of you individually and as a couple (if married) for our website. If possible, to add a touch of class, we'd like to post your wedding picture on our anniversary page (see MEMBERS ONLY section of the website). And, we need pictures of each of your Vettes. If you need help getting picutes, see the webmaster at the next club meeting.
How to get Club Apparel?:
At the next club meeting, see one of our board members for club clothing items, decals, window clings, and other items
By Laws:
The club by-laws are posted on the website in the ABOUT OUR CLUB section. We encourage you to read them.
We encourage you to be an active member of our club. Participate in club events. Get to know each of our members and form great friendships. Be involved. We take nominations for officers in October and elect the board in November for the coming year. We hope you will become a contributing member by helping to suggest or coordinate events, writing narratives and taking pictures at events, suggesting events for the club to participate in, and volunteering to serve on the board.
Welcome into the Sun 'n Fun Vettes Family