Thirteen of us with 9 cars showed up for the Saturday 9-17 cruise to Naples and the REVS Institute for Automotive Research.
We left Bob Evans on Fletcher near I-75 about 9 a.m. and cruised straight down I-75. We had pretty good weather for the cruise and made one pit stop along the way. We had an appointment time for our tour of the museum, so we didn't dilly-dally along the way.
What an impressive place. Really amazing. If you didn't make it for this cruise, plan on going on your own some day. It's well worth the trip.
After touring the museum with plenty of good information shared by the guides in each section, we headed for Spanky's restaurant and had a good time there as well. Pretty neat little place to eat.
-- Jerry M
Thanks to Suzy S and Willie L for the pictures

We met at Bob Evans on Fletcher to begin our cruise

Waiting for everyone to form up

Some of the cars

The group

Heaven is 7-11 and its restrooms

Lotta race cars

Zoom, Zoom

And there were luxuray cars like this Rolls

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Another Rolls

The group (switched photographers)

Parking at the REVS Museum


Wha' tha' ???????



Oh My !! A Delahaye!!
Just soooooooo beautiful

After about 2 hours we made a pit stop (whew!)

Tour orientation


Ya don't see a Cadillac racer every day

Something Dan's speed


And, er, uh, not so beautiful

Gotta have a Corvette

After the tour - Spanky's for lunch

The work shop


Ready to order

Head of the salad bar

Some unusual seating

Neat stuff

Time out

Let's eat

The salad bar - an old truck bed

In Spanky's parking lot

Heading home under some stomy skies
Many, many more pictures of cars in the museum may be seen on the REVs website. Click the button above to access their website.