We had a perfect day for a cruise. The weather was perfect and we had a good turn out - 11 Vettes. Or was it 12? 11 or 12 Vettes !! We met in the Big Lots parking lot by McDonalds at SR54 and US 41. John H had a special route mapped out for us so after a few pictures and a driver's briefing, we headed out. This must be one of the best cruises we've ever taken. John did a masterful job of taking us through back roads that were absolutely "old Florida". Canopy roads, roads through Florida pine woods and past farms. Fabulous 2-hour + cruise. For nearly the entire trip, we were able to keep our string of Corvettes lined up together on the roads. Lots of gawks from people along the way. When we arrived in Winter Haven, we circled once through town (past the restaurant) and all parked together in a parking lot about a block away. The restaurant staff made us feel like royalty and service was terrific. The food was incredible. Delicious. After eating we decided to stroll around and walk off some of the food. Very relaxing day. Some wanted to stay a little longer, so we split up and went our own ways for the return trip. If you missed this cruise, you missed a really fun day. This was a perfect example of how to enjoy your Vette.
John giving drivers their instructions
Frances tellin' John to quit staring at the camera
We made the Big Lot parking lot look pretty good
A nice group picture before we head out
We wanted to arrange our Vettes for a picture so each Vette would be shown at its best.
This is what we got. Not quite as envisioned. Keystone Kops at work!!
And. . . we're on our way !
Look at those beautiful Vettes
Old Florida backroads
Here we are in the Winter Haven parking lot ready to walk to the restaurant
Rose, Dave, Debbie & Jim R and Jim and Suzi S
Deciding what to order.
John, Anthony, Carolyn, Joe, Marie and Irene
OK. Time to order. Irene is hungry !
Wally, Warren, Bob (visitor) John and Frances
An example of the menu
OK. We're full - เต็ม as the Thais say.
Let's walk it off
There's Jim S looking for those bargains. What a shopper !!!
Walking the streets of greater metropolitan Winter Haven
Main Street USA
A little chilly out here. Jackets feel good.
Irene, Frances and John