2-5-2022 Japanese Steak House & Sushi Bar, Plant City
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We met in the Big Lots parking lot at the intersection of highways 54 and 41. It was a little cool and the sky was overcast but the weather prediction said it wouldn't rain until late afternoon. We actually stayed rain-free for the entire cruise. So, we had good weather for the backroads cruise we made. We had 11 Vettes and 20 people for the cruise. One Vette (John K and John Jr. ) could stay with us for only part of the cruise because they had an obligation back in Tampa. John H did a masterful job mapping out our route - beautiful winding country roads, canopy roads, cow pastures, farms and sprawling strawberry fields. A string of Corvettes on the road is a terrific sight and even the cows we drove past seemed impressed. And, it's very "cool" when a line of Corvettes arrives together at location. You just don't see that every day and it always causes a bit of a stir when people see that. A great feeling to be part of that.
After driving for about an hour and a half, we were all ready for a good meal when we reached our destination - The Wasabi Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar in Plant City. And, we all agree that it was well worth the trip. The food was really incredible. DELICIOUS !! We all had a fabulous time and enjoyed every bite of our incredible meals. We need to do this cruise again.

The group starting to show up.

More and more showing up

Look at that gray sky

We're ready to hit the road, John.
Time for a driver's briefing

Cathy, Dan, John H, Julie, Debbie, John K, Wally, Deb, John Jr, Terri, Jerry, Marie, Joe, John W, Frances, Jerry, Matty (Brandon, Warren & Patricia missing in picture)

And awayyyyyy we go !!!

Beautiful drive

Canopy roads
Look at all those Vettes. WOW !!

At destination. Warren & Patricia ready to go inside and eat.

Our Group - Wally, Julie, Jerry M, Matty, Debbie, Joe, Marie, Deb R, Terri, Jerry G, John H, John W, Frances, Warren, Patricia. (Dan & Cathy missing in photo.)

John H & Matty

Patricia, Warren, John H and Matty

Deb R, Marie, Joe

Study those menus. Hard to decide. Everything looks so good.

She's taking our orders

The bar area
Orders are in. Now it's chat time while we wait for the food to come

Very Japanesy decor

Shrimp Tempura meal. Yummmm!!

Debbie's son Brandon joined us today. Good to see ya Brandon

No more time for talk ! Food's here.

Ummm ! Ummm ! GOOD !!
Ummm ! Ummm ! GOOD !!
Ummm ! Ummm ! GOOD !!

Dan & Cathy. Whatta ya think, Cathy? Pretty good??

Patricia came with Warren. Welcome Patricia. Hope to see you again soon.

Eat, John ! EAT !!



All full. Time to head home
See you guys next time .
What a great day !!