7-16-2022 Johnson's BBQ Plant City
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We met in the Big Lots parking lot at the intersection of highways 54 and 41. It was a beautiful day with rain forcast for late afternoon. We made the cruise and made it home before any rain came.
Good day for cruising. We had five cars and, as usual, John H. mapped out terrific back roads route for our trip. With only five cars, we managed to stay together the entire way. And it's so cool to see a string of Corvettes driving down the road. Our destination today was Johnson's BBQ in Plant City. And we were all ready for some good BBQ. A great outing !!
OK. Let's mount up and go for some BBQ.
Starting to show up at Big Lots for the cruise
JD and Carol ready to go
Matty, Irene, Anne, John, Anthony, Carol and JD
Jerry, Matty, Irene, Anne, Anthony, JD & Carol
Yaaaaa !!! We're on our way for some good BBQ
Inside Johnson's BBQ
Ready to eat
To keep things in perspective
To keep things in perspective
To keep things in perspective
To keep things in perspective
Randy & Nancy
Future YUM !!
JD & Carol
Irene and Anne
L-R around table - Nancy, JD, Caarol, Irene, Anne, John, Jerry, Matty
Are you going to eat all that, Nancy?
After eating, some of us cruised into Plant City where the monthly car show was beginning to come together. It was still pretty early and only a few show cars had arrived. But worth looking at.
Matty at Plant City railroad museum
A beautifully retored oldie
Nancy found a Corvair