Saturday morning we met at Bob Evans restaurant on Fletcher near I-75, chit-chatted a while, then headed out about 10a.m. for a "backroads" cruise to Lakeland, FL and Abuelos Mexican food restaurant. True to the weather forecast, rain held off and we had good weather for the cruise. From Tampa, we cruised out through Thonotosassa, Valrico and Plant City to Lakeland - just an easy goin', leisurely cruise. And, we all stayed in line together nearly the whole way. It had to be a nice sight for people along the way to see a beautiful string of Corvettes cruising down the tree-lined roads. We arrived at the restaurant just a little after they opened and they immediately set up tables for us. Service was great, the food was delicious and we all enjoyed our meal together. After we ate, we headed our own separate ways. Some felt the urge to do some shopping in the shopping mall behind the theater. We had a really good time together. If you weren't there, you missed out.
- jerry m

Here's our group ready to go

Our Vettes

Looking around inside

Studying the menu

Enchiladas- yummmm

Our group with Jerry's son, Tim (second from right standing)

After a nice cruise, we're here at Abuelos


Chimichanga - yummmm

Fajitas- yummmm

Our Vettes

The restaurant entrance

looking over the menu

Durango Burrito- yummmm

Chowin' down

Yummmm, chomp, mumph, munch

The back wall mural

