12-7-2024 H. B. Plant Museum
On Saturday, December 7th, a group of our members went to the Henry B. Plant Museum in Tampa. Included in the group were John & Irene H, John & Frances W, Gary M, Denny C, and Debbie R. The Museum was filled with lots and lots of Christmas decorations. Everyone who attended was also able to see the furnishings from the original decor of the Plant Hotel, circa 1891.
Henry B Plant Museum is
Part of the University of Tampa
Welcome to the Museum Christmas Stroll
More of the main hall, also beautifully decorated
Here we go throught the beautiful entrance to the museum
The man himself, founder of a vast transportation system
Internationally known cellist, Diego Carneiro playing for the guests. Click on play and on the note for the music
What amazing architecture
Entering the main hall, so beautifully decorated
Denny C and Gary M with Cellist Diego Carnerio. He is from brazil and on a world tour
One of the many rooms
A ceremonial trowel fromt he construction of the hotel
Baseball signed by Babe Ruth
Beautiful original hotel furnishings
What fancy dresses the elite ladies wore in the turn of the century
More beautiful funishings
Really tall Nutcrackers
Trustem clock
Turn of the centurn camera
Red velvet coat