9-9-2023 Parrish Train Museum & Woody's River Roo Restaurant
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A good group gathered at Bob Evans for the trip to the Parrish Train Museum which was an all day event for the club. We had 12 cars in all. Rumor had it that the train could be robbed. A couple of our members, Yaz and Peter, happen to dress the part in western wear. They looked really good in their western attire. They weren't robbing the train, They forgot their guns. We travelled pretty much straight to the museum, down I-75 and got off at Moccasin Wallow. Hung a left to hwy 301 and whallah. We are there. We got there a little early and wandered on into the train car that had a model train display. The display was well done. I met the guy that put the display together and his name is, get this, Ricky Martin. No, not the singer. Some other older Ricky Martin.
Just before we boarded the train the real characters showed up (The actors). One actor encountered Irene on the way over. He asked if the blue corvette was her's? She said "Yes". He then proceeded to shoot her car with a six shooter. Not once but twice.
So we boarded the train. It was hot. John bought Dasani water for the club and handed them out. We needed it while the train was standing still. Did I say it was hot? The train started to leave the station and John pointed to this one gentleman and said "Look, It's Ricky Martin". The whole train car turned and looked at the guy and he smiled, waived and shouted "That's my name. Don't wear it out".
The train ride was pretty nice. We went about six miles inland and suddenly had to stop. We stopped due to a train robbery. They got the strong box. The sheriff and a few men chased them. There was one bandit with 11 six shooters on him. It was amazing. He fired 66 shots and missed everyone. A lot of gun fire and smoke but in the end the sheriff and his men recovered the strong box and its contents. Of course after a couple of the sheriff's men took their share of the loot.
We started back and John, not realizing it, blocked the sheriff from moving between cars. If john didn't know what a shot gun pointed in his back felt like before that moment. He knew at that moment. John put his hands up and politely moved out of the way.
We then took a 15 minute cruise on down to Woody's River Roo and had a well deserved lunch. After lunch, we all headed home.
- Irene H
At Bob Evans near I-75 - Vettes starting to show up
The group growing more and more
Starting to look like a good group
John & Frances W, John H, Gary & Linda W, Irene H, Lloyd & Carol J, Yaz & Peter (behind) H, David & Isabel M, Jim (behind) & Debbie R, Nick, Brittany, Penelope & Carter M. Missing in picture are Anne G with her relatives and Fred & Debbie C
Yaz & Peter dressed for the occaision. Not involved in the robbery ?? Hmmmmm
Parking at the train museum
Vettes can make an empty field look good
Just look at those Vettes
Let's go see what it's all about
- - - - - - - Our group together- - - - - -
Waiting for our train ride to Willow, FL where rumor says we could be robbed at gun point.
This engine was used in the Brooklyn Naval yard about 1920
Pretty elaborate model train set up in one of the train cars at the museum
The model trains in action
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Still waiting for our train
Still waiting . . . . . . . . .
It's here !! It's here !!! Let's go !!
Would someone please turn the AC up ! It's hot !!!
Nick (far end), Brittany, Carter, Penelope M, David & Isabel M, and Irene H.
Yaz & Peter H with David & Isabel M
Our armed escorts have arrived
Arriving at our destination - Willow, FL
Gotta get pictures of this !!
Just in time for an ole time shoot 'em up.
A gun fight ??? Is it real ??
Shoot 'em up. Take that you polecat !!! And THAT !!! AND THAT !!!!!!
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After the big shoot out, we returned to the museum where we were parked, saddled up (jumped into our Vettes) and headed to Woody's River Roo restaurant in Ellenton for some much need chow (that's cowboy talk for "lunch").
Woody's River Roo restaurant is on the Manatee River. Beautiful setting
Relax, sip and enjoy a good meal
Jim R, Debbie & Fred C, Linda W, and Anne G.
Carol & Lloyd J and Frances & John W