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12-16-2017 Christmas Party

Christmas Party


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Well, Christmas is just around the corner and on this really nice Saturday evening, we got together for our annual Sun 'n Fun Vettes Christmas Party - something we look forward to all year long.  We had a good turn out and enjoyed an evening of comaradarie, good conversations, music and some laughs.  And . . . . . . of course, some goooooood food.  Turkey and dressing, ham, veggies, salad, 'taters, and desert.  If you didn't come, you missed out.  Oh, yeah . . . . and the gift exchange.  The Christmas tree was pretty well loaded with prsents.  Beautiful.  Some of our members really made out.  Lotsa fun.

- jerry m

Club house lobby with its Christmas tree - all lit up

The catered food just waiting for us to dig in

'taters, turkey & ham - yummmmm

Debbie setting up the "registry" table

Rolls & salad

John and John Jr. checking in

Debbie & Frances here to greet members

Ummmmm.  Veggies and stuffin'

David and Rose 

John & Irene came bearing gifts

Would you look at this . . . It's Dave and Carol !!!!

Gene & Peggy

Mike & Pat

Jerry & Terri

Gary & Trish

Chuck & Denise

Jim & Suzy

John & John Jr

Jim & Debbie

Ray, Debbie, Jim & Mike

Lou & Ruth

Gene & Peggy

Hannah, Alice & Harold

The back wall mural

Rich, Paul, Carolyn & Jim

Paul, Carolyn, Jim, Mike, & Denise

Marshall, David & Jim - serious conversation going on here

Chuck & Denise

Mike, Ray & Pat

Gene, Peggyl, Lou & Ruth


Jerry, Terri, & Suzy

Suzy, Carol, David & Jim

Jim, Dave & Frank

Debbie presenting Dave & Carol plaque for all their years of membership

Dave & Carol with their plaque


Well deserved

John with award for service to SNF



Denise & Chuck


Lou with haul

Whatcha got, Terri ??

Frances got something to keep her $ $ $ $ in

Quit wondering Jerry.  It's a Wonder Winder

Trish & Gary unwrapping

What d'ja get, John ??

Frank's happy with it - - whaterver it is

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