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On Saturday morning,  April 22nd, we met at Bob Evans restaurant on Fowler Ave near I-75 for a cruise to Solomon's Castle - a really unique place near Ona, Florida.  We had a perfect day for our cruise and for nearly two hours, we explored the backroads between Tampa and Ona.  Some beautiful scenery with farmlands and canopy roads and, for the most part we managed to stay together in a string of 9 Vettes - well, that is 8 Vettes and a Vette-wanna-be Porsche (heh, heh).  We had some friends of our President with us on the cruise.  Tommy and Sarah in the beautiful blue Porsche and Pat in the gorgeous brown Vette.  When we reached our destination, we elected to eat lunch at the Boat-In-The-Moat restaurant. Good food and plenty of it.  After eating we had a guided tour of the castle and then a guided tour of Solomon's antique car collection.  Impressive.  We had a great time and saw a lot of really unusual things.  A very nice outing.

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L-R:  Matty, Jerry M, Peter, Yaz, Debbie R, Lloyd, Irene, Carol, John H, and Hector.  John's friends Tommy and Pat in back.

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Time for some chit-chat before we leave

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Our exact route - more or less

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Are we there yet?

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Herman Solomon (1935-2016) 

His mantra was, "I make stuff."

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Our group

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Gracing Bob Evan's parking lot

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Matty with her Vette

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Heading out

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Irene is happy we found a shady place to park our Vettes

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Solomon in his workshop.  He made most of the "stuff" we saw.

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Let's get together for a driver's meeting

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Through the countryside

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And here's what we came to see

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Brochure about Solomon's Castle

Click on these links to learn more about Howard Solomon and his work.

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We decided to eat at the Boat-In-The-Moat before starting our tour

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Inside The-Boat-In-The-Moat

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Dining near the lighthouse

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Yaz had a salad about 1/2 her size

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Good friends.  Good food.  Good times

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And . . . . live entertainment while we ate

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Warren doesn't look hungry any more

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Table decoration in lighthouse dining area

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Peter, Yaz & Hector

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The castle entry is guarded by Knight and Day

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She can't resist a man in uniform

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We exited through what was actually the entry to the living part of the castle

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Getting together for our tour of Solomon's antique cars

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OK, everyone load up.

Uh, wait.  That's not the right driver

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That's the antique car barn just past the cows

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Beautiful old cars

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The=Boat-In-The-Moat restaurant

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Through the "Boat" to the outdoor dining area

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The menu

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Heading for lunch

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Very relaxing place to eat

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Reuben Sandwich.  Yummmm

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Good healthy food.  Just ask Hector

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A little relaxing after our lunch

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It's just the way it is - very "laid back"

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We'll visit the light house before touring the castle

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Thank Yaz and John for many of the photos of our visit

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Lloyd and Carol look pretty content

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Our tour guide

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OK.  Time to get together for our tour of the castle

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Waiting for our castle tour guide to call us

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This is Knight

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This is Day - but he's a knight too

We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the castle.  Don't know why.  They used to allow it.  Click the following link to see pictures taken previouslly inside the castle.  Some pretty neat stuff.

The entry to the castle

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Solomon would sometimes speak to visitors from his balcony

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But, first things first

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Guardian of the outhouse

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We rode past the Alamo, or at least  Solomon's replica of the Alamo

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Past the Alamo on the way to the barn with the car collection

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We couldn't take pictures of the cars so these few pictures were downloaded from the internet

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A last look at the castle as we get ready to head home

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Howaard Solomon passed away in August 2016

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