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Veterans' Day Parade


We met at Walmart on Fletcher Ave. and, when we were all there, proceeded to our staging area in the VA parking lot on the back side of the hospital.   The parade formed up there and we drove around the hospital to the front parking lot, making a loop around the circle at the front entrance of the hospital.  Many of the vets being treated at the hospital were out to watch the parade as well as a huge crowd.  The parade route ended in the front parking lot where we parked the cars and enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs, compliments of the VA.


Vettes showing up at Walmart

Walmart's parking lot never looked better 

Rich & Marge

Bob and his gorgeous '69 

Sarah & Dan

Randy & Nancy

Lewis, Bill, Vilawan & Carolyn

Willie & his cap

Bill, Jerry & Carolyn

Randy and comrade-in-arms

Randy and more comrades

Bill holding a drivers' meeting

Bill coordinating the order of cars

HEY!! It's Santa & Mrs. Santa

Vilawan with the Clauses

Long line at the ONLY porta potty in the staging area

The youngest Marine

Much better situation in the front parking lot


There was a big crowd

. . . a really big crowd

Get your hands off my beads !!

Mike ready to parade with his rider

Jim ready to go 

Frank and his dignatary

The parade is underway

Just a few of who this is all about

Willie passing in review

Carolyn parading with a dignatary

Jerry with Santa and Mrs. Santa

Some other nice cars

Chow time

Chin Up Challenge by the Marines

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